Tuesday, February 24, 2009

God's Imagination

Shown here to the right is a fish called 'Macropinna microstoma' or Barrel eyed Spookfish. It is one of many creatures that are right off the coast of Monterey being studied by scientists around the world. Imagine if you had the opportunity to study God's creation and find out the reasons why things work the way they do?! What an amazing God we serve, and one with such an imagination! I always thought that if I were Adam, I might have run out of names for the animals, birds, and fishes in the sea...I'm not sure if this particular species was presented to Adam or not for naming, but God did create this special creature, and for a purpose. Check out the video and narration by one of MBARI's renowned Scientists HERE. I'm not sure how long the link to this video will be up, so I apologize ahead of time for late-comers.

On something completely different, last night was another fine night to spend at MEW. I can't get over the sharing that happens in the men's group, and the words from Mike are always encouraging.

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