Tuesday, February 24, 2009

God's Imagination

Shown here to the right is a fish called 'Macropinna microstoma' or Barrel eyed Spookfish. It is one of many creatures that are right off the coast of Monterey being studied by scientists around the world. Imagine if you had the opportunity to study God's creation and find out the reasons why things work the way they do?! What an amazing God we serve, and one with such an imagination! I always thought that if I were Adam, I might have run out of names for the animals, birds, and fishes in the sea...I'm not sure if this particular species was presented to Adam or not for naming, but God did create this special creature, and for a purpose. Check out the video and narration by one of MBARI's renowned Scientists HERE. I'm not sure how long the link to this video will be up, so I apologize ahead of time for late-comers.

On something completely different, last night was another fine night to spend at MEW. I can't get over the sharing that happens in the men's group, and the words from Mike are always encouraging.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It Wasn't Better...

Mike reminded us last night about the past. Just writing that makes me think of how it was those days that were worthless for the Kingdom. Hebrews 9 tells us that the only sins that the High Priest could give atonement for were those done in ignorance. What about all the rest that we knew of as we acted out our sin nature?...is there such a word as 'unatoned'?...or how about 'non-atoned'. What a frustrating thing to have a washing machine that would only clean part of your clothes! As we read about the tabernacle that the Hebrews had to cart around for forty years let's think about the day that God our Father provided complete cleansing from ALL our filthiness! Thanks Mike, for faithfully bringing the Word to us again.

Monday, February 9, 2009

You are my son


Romans 4:7,8
"Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him."

Once again, tonight's meeting was a blessing. The worship, the message from Pastor Mike, the food, the fellowship and the small groups are all such an important part of why this ministry has been successful in bringing people to know Jesus more intimately.
David Hill is one of those people that has been touched by Jesus through this ministry in a big way. I have been deeply moved to hear David's story of how he has been reunited with his Mother and just returned from a three day trip to meet her face to face. Tonight, as David shared a little about his trip it was as if Jesus spoke right into my heart and I hope others heard this word as well.
David told us that he was a little apprehensive to share with his Mother about his past involvement with drugs and all the other stuff that comes with drug addiction. David called Pastor Mike for advice and Pastor Mike told him if he didn't tell her now, he probably never would. David decided to tell his Mother everything and after he let it all out she said to him, " You are my son and nothing you can do or say will ever take away the way I love you".
As David shared those words tonight, I thought that I heard Jesus say Yes and Amen. I think that this is how Jesus loves each and every one of us that call upon His name. He died on the cross so that we could experience God and His amazing love. 
David's Mother also said that "son, your past was all part of the way that God brought you to me." God has a plan for us, and I think that our testimonies are strengthened by the trials, by the backslides, by the mistakes and bad choices that we make.  How sweet it is to know that we are loved and forgiven by the Most High God.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Birthday's, Tostada's and Testimonies

Happy birthday to all of you February babies. Wow, January has flown by and here we are celebrating February birthdays already. By the way, if you haven't been to a first-Monday-of-the-month MEW Birthday/Testimony/Chip Disbursement night, you might want to put it on your calendar and join us for the fun. 
Sal spent the whole day Monday cooking up a delicious mexican feast for all of the Mew attendees and I can personally testify that the feast was just as good the next day since I was blessed to join the Bridge bro's for dinner. Thanks again to Sal and to everyone that helped pull this months gathering together.
Bible Teaching 
Mike's teaching in Hebrews has been awesome and if you missed it on Monday or just want to hear it again you can listen to past messages right here on the blog. Also, I was informed that very soon Pastor Mike's messages are going to be made available on the CCMB website as well. Moving on up!
Worship & Testimonies
Last but not least the worship was sweet, way to go guys, and the testimonies were a blessing. Thanks Louie, Szody and Jack for sharing what the Lord has done and is doing in your lives.  
Acts 10:42
He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.

I hope that you enjoy the photos.