Sunday, June 13, 2010

Monday June 7, 2010

Pastor Mike and Michele on Vacation!!

We had blessed worship .. more traditional songs this week .. but the idea is that we make a "joyful noise unto the Lord".

Harvey gave the teaching from 1 and 2 Samuel, the cave time of David, when the 3 mighty warriors arose. Three warriors whose names translated are "sitting in counsel", "Heard by God" and "Helped by God". Three warriors who were completely abandoned by their troops in the midst of battle, God giving each of them a miraculous victory. Because they had each sat in the counsel of God, they had each been heard by God and they had each been helped by God.

All of us at the Most Excellent Way can be mighty warriors. Those who came to the cave were those in debt, those sick of their current lives and looking for something else. Sound familiar? I know I came looking for something else Freedom from life dominating sin, freedom from the life I've totally screwed up. Now I have been given a second chance to repair, only through the miraculous efforts of Jesus, that life that was lost.

So, be willing to sit under His counsel, to be helped by God and be heard by God (pray) and you also may shed the scales of addiction and sit at the feet of Jesus, seeking the better way.

We will be passing around sign up sheets for Great America. Lets all fellowship!!

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