Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sometimes, we get caught....

Sometimes, when we do something, we want people to notice us....sometimes, we don't! Just the other day, on the way home from the men's prayer meetin', someone noticed a familiar scene. Maybe it's because it happened to them, maybe just because it happens a lot. This is a classic scene that might happen to anyone not entirely within the parameters of the law. Speaking of law, aren't you glad that we're not under 'The Law' anymore, but under grace?! The only ones that would be able to identify this particular person are the ones that 'know' him/her. If I could give clemensy for law breakers, all law breakers, then you might think that the law would be useless. But it's not. The Law is a schoolteacher to show us that we need a Saviour. Thank you Lord for the grace that You provide to account for our sins!

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